You will be using this for everything!!!
The days are getting hotter which means the SUN IS OUT! What does it also mean SUNBURN! I have the palest of skin and I’m a redhead so no matter what I get sunburned.
I love being outside in my garden, in the woods, and spending time with my chickens so after being in the sun all day long I immediately go straight to the refrigerator where I keep my DIY After Sun Spray.

The best part about this After Sun Spray is it’s so simple and has only two ingredients. Now you definitely can add more and I will give some other suggestions but I love finding things that work and are simple.
So are you ready for the ingredients?
It’s Lavender essential oil and distilled water.
I know so simple right?

I add 15-20 drops of pure lavender essential oil ( I love and always use Young Living) in a spray bottle and fill the rest up with distilled water. Keep in the refrigerator to keep it fresh and because the cold spray will feel amazing on your skin.
Lavender essential oil is like the cure all for so many things. It’s so soothing and calming, not only for your skin but for your mind also. Here are some other properties of lavender oil:
- It has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties making it great for your now tender skin.
- These properties make it great for other skin issues such as a bug bite, rash, minor burns, and scratches (which is why I also carry a rollerball with lavender and jojoba oil in my purse.)
- Lavender has such a calming and soothing effect that it makes it great for your bedtime routine.
- It can also help with anxiety, stress, and insomnia.
- You can spray this same mixture on your pillow or I love giving myself a little spritz in my face before bed. Plus it is great for your skin!
- I also keep a rollerball of lavender essential oil and jojoba oil next to my bed at night. I roll it onto my face and hands. I then inhale the mixture from my hands as I do pranayama (breath work) and a short meditation to help me have a restful sleep. You could also use a diffuser next to your bed to help you fall asleep.
- Lavender has great healing properties.
- Use it to help heal your freshly sunburned skin or to heal other problem areas you may be having such as a scrap, cut, bug bite, acne, eczema, etc.
- Lavender has analgesic and antispasmodic properties making it a great pain reliever.
- Use it to ease headaches, sore muscles, menstrual cramps, and any other aches and pains you may be experiencing.
No matter how you choose to use it always make sure to dilute pure essential oil with a carrier oil, witch hazel, or distilled water.
Other essential oils that are great for sunburns are
- Tea tree
- Chamomile
- Geranium
- Peppermint
- Eucalyptus
- Honorable mention: Aloe Vera, not an essential oil but awesome for sunburn.
You could use any combination of these essential oils to make the same after sun spray I did.

Use a total of 15-20 drops of any combination you like. If using just one essential oil, I would start with about 15 drops with distilled water in a spray bottle. Test it out, if you want it to have more scent add a bit more.

I hope this helps relieve any discomfort you may have after having fun all day in the sun or for any of it’s other amazing uses. It smells so good, you’ll probably be like me and spray your face every time you open the refrigerator.