For everyone 2020 brought about a change and for those who lost someone, I give my deepest sympathy. I know for so many people last year was a struggle. All of our lives changed in a matter of days, hours even.
For myself, it did bring about a huge change but for the better. My family and I learned to slow things down. To take a step back and see each other for who we are. Each one of us not only found who we are deep inside but learned to appreciate one another.
My family and I used the time we spent in quarantine to adventure out to local parks to camp, hike, and enjoy nature. We made art a priority and learned new crafts such as using polymer clay and wood burning.
I took advantage of online courses. I received certificates in reiki healing, meditation, and I’m currently working on becoming a yoga instructor. But the best thing I did for myself was starting my dread journey. It has been an amazing change for me. March 27, 2021 will be one year and I couldn’t be happier. For years I had researched how to make them, care for them, and just about anything you could ever need to know. I even had trained my hair for them by using all natural shampoos. I just needed the push to actually do it. Well quarantine and the extra push from my husband, I finally did it.
So now for the bus. We held off. We were worried of the unknown. Would states close their borders? Would parks close? (Some did) Would BLM land be available? We found it best to just be patient and enjoy the moments we were sharing together.
Now, a year later, we are ready. We are doing some remodeling on our house to prepare it to sell, while also making floor plans for the bus build. We hope to be on the road and our forever journey soon!